Archive for Research
Considering families’ network compositions in schooling matters
In recent years, the concept of “social capital” has been thoroughly examined in school contexts. Most research tends to suggest that dense networks of resourceful relationships help students and families navigate the learning process more efficiently and successfully. Some of my recent research with homeless families, however, suggests that dense peer networks can have significant […]
Read moreHomeless Education Network in Pittsburgh
A host of resourceful community stakeholders, including the Homeless Children’s Education Fund, the Allegheny Department of Human Services, Pittsburgh Public Schools, and Duquesne University, have come together to form the “Homeless Education Network” (HEN)– an attempt to develop a comprehensive system of service meeting the needs of the expanding population of homeless children and families […]
Read moreDuquesne Educational Leadership Symposium
The Department of Foundations and Leadership at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh will be hosting its third annual Duquesne Educational Leadership Symposium (DELS) this week. A host of educational leadership scholars will be joining the distinguished Duquesne faculty and a number of Pittsburgh leaders and educators to consider key issues in the re-framing of educational leadership. […]
Read moreConditions of homelessness matter
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act provides students who are experiencing homelessness with the chance to maintain school stability, but some schools (and/or those who work within school systems) do not understand the implications that different “conditions of homelessness” have for families. That is, families that are “doubled-up” with others tend to have different needs than […]
Read moreHomelessness on the rise in schools
The recent NAEHCY survey of 2271 school districts in the U.S. indicated that 876 districts served more homeless students August-February 2010 than they served the entire 2008-09 school year. These numbers are not altogether surprising given the scale of the recession, but they do highlight the importance of well-conceived school and district plans for serving […]
Read morePromise Neighborhoods
The development of “Promise Neighborhoods” in a number of urban areas throughout the U.S. is an interesting — and, in my opinion, exciting — element of President Obama’s education plan. These comprehensive community education programs will seek to replicate aspects of the Harlem Children’s Zone’s ( philosophy of action. This Promise Neighborhood plan will necessarily […]
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