Archive for November, 2013
homelessness in madison
This is a really good video about homelessness here in Madison, WI:
Read morewilling to help at Thanksgiving…
but we need attention to homelessness and hunger year-round…,0,1836282.story#axzz2lrSuhuz8
Read morecuts in federal funding felt
There are significant local implications when we cut federal food programs…
Read moreaquinas college addresses student homelessness
More and more institutions of higher education are likely to face similar challenges…
Read morecollege access bill
Democratic Sens. Patty Murray (WA), Mary Landrieu (LA), and Tammy Baldwin (WI) recently introduced a bill aimed at improving college access for homeless and foster care youth. The bill’s introduction coincides with National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week, which runs from November 16-24.
Read morehomeless summit in pittsburgh
A diverse group of stakeholders are coming together in Pittsburgh this week to discuss poverty and homelessness. Homeless Summit IV, sponsored by the Homeless Children’s Education Fund, will focus on the growing presence and effects of poverty in the suburbs. Learn more here.
Read moreimportance of cross-sector collaboration
A new report by the Annie E. Casey Foundation found that many 8 year olds in the US lag behind in academic performance, social/emotional growth, and engagement in school. Disparities are particularly striking by income; for instance, 50% of higher income students score at or above the national average in math, reading, and science, compared […]
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