Brown, L. (1965). A Comparison of Negro and White Raw Scores on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, East Carolina University.
Brown, L. (1969). A Comparison of Techniques for Increasing Attending to Visual Stimuli in Classrooms for Children with Mental Retardation. (1971). Education and Training of the Mentally Retarded, 6(1), 4 – 11.
Brown, L., Hermanson, J., Klemme, H., Haubrich, P., & Ora, J. (1970). Using Behavior Modification Principles to Teach Sight Vocabulary. Teaching Exceptional Children, 2(3), 120 – 128.
Brown, L. & Pearce, E. (1970). Increasing the Production Rates of Trainable Retarded Students in a Public School Simulated Workshop. Education and Training of the Mentally Retarded, 5(1), 15 – 22.