The Quest for Ordinary Life: Preparing Individuals With Disabilities to Function Productively in the Real World of Work
Information about at least the following will be communicated:
- More disabled, live longer, outlive parents, age sooner, more expensive
- Educational entitlements and post school discretionary services
- Tragic post school outcomes of millions of individuals with disabilities
- The segregationist dream – the integrationist dream
- What is an integrated work environment
- What is Chamber of Commerce work
- Diplomas and other non post school outcomes
- School only instruction and job readiness
- Authentic vocational assessment and instruction
- A job vs real work
- Artificial and natural supervision
- Horizontal and vertical enhancement
- A vocational preparation curriculum development strategy: generating work opportunities, conducting job analyses, matching workers with jobs, providing authentic assessment and instruction, shifting to natural supervision and arranging needed postschool supports
- Ten job development strategies: parent dream lists, worker preferences, job development circles, personal relationships, vendor lists, employer referrals, canvassing, corporate commitments, quid pro quo and environments first
- Functioning in multiple settings
- Social relationships at work
- How to keep unemployment high
- How to reduce unemployment
- Why enclaves are unacceptable
- Restructuring high schools, the buyout option, the finishing school