Archive for Blog

housing policy matters

A nice overview of the major federal housing assistance programs — and some of their impacts on educational opportunity:

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independence and cost-efficiency

The debate over how to engage homelessness often centers around independent housing options and matters of cost. Even though some are finding that programs like “housing first” are cost efficient and effective,

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Pennsylvania report

Recent report from the Pennsylvania Task force on student homelessness:

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homeless families in Vermont

More students and families are experiencing homelessness in Vermont:

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principals on social frontiers

Here’s a little article we wrote for the National Association of Secondary School Principals that examines the work of principals in comprehensive school/community reform contexts:

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beyond math and reading…

Teachers can make a huge difference in identifying and supporting students who experience homelessness…this is a great story:

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the war on poverty

An analysis after fifty years…

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how to help homeless families

from today’s NYT:

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counting and responding

Hillsborough is like many communities throughout the US in re-orienting its service to the homeless in recent years. The move to more permanent housing solutions is viewed as a better long-term solution (it’s ultimately less expensive and more sustainable than shorter-term emergency services). This article highlights, however, how complex of an endeavor it can be […]

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homelessness in Kansas

As evident in Kansas and many other states throughout middle American, homelessness is not just an urban issue, but one that affects all areas:

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