Archive for Blog
presence and exposure to others
“the continued presence of others improves people’s feelings of familiarity with them” (kiesler & cummings, 2002)
Read morethe importance of routines
Being inflexible about routines… “He builds his days around a series of inflexible routines: calls to his parents, a designated parking spot, morning shooting on Court 3. He expects every room to be neat and clean, at work and at home.”
Read morewestbrook attributes
“They still work together early every morning: Westbrook is always the first player to the gym, hours before practice starts, and he will pull Cheeks out of the morning coaches’ meeting so they can run through shooting and post moves.”
Read moreembedded leadership in college athletics
Positional embeddedness at Vanderbilt: the AD, David Williams, has a history as university faculty member and administrator before becoming leader in athletics. He also worked
Read moreprinciples for a sound offense…and more
Tex Winter described a sound offense as depending upon
Read morehomelessness in madison
A revealing article in the Wisconsin State Journal that highlights some of the many challenges of student homelessness.
Read moresan francisco’s new plan
Mayor Lee’s new plan of action for tackling homelessness in SF is intriguing. Let’s hope the right leaders are found to provide steady guidance. Thanks to Kevin Fagan for shedding light on the developments in the Bay Area.
Read moreeveryday spaces between
youth and family identity formation, aspiration, and reflection occur most powerfully during the everyday “spaces between” in our lives. Car rides, for example, are
Read moreeveryday information
when homeless, families often struggle to get important information. it comes via websites, bulletin boards, word of mouth, apps… but is usually overwhelming and
Read moreeveryday scrambling for food
when looking to find food, families have to scramble to make food pantry hours work for them amid all the other things that are happening in life… here’s an example that
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