Live today: Discover magazine is running a story about dyscalculia, a specific math learning difficulty that affects about 6-10% of the population. Titled How Can a Smart Kid Be So Bad at Math? the article focuses on what is known about dyscalculia and math learning difficulties more generally. The story discusses a young woman here in Wisconsin who struggles with basic arithmetic, but not with more advanced mathematics, and does a wonderful job of summarizing research conducted by Ed, and by a number of our friends around the world, including Daniel Ansari, Melissa Libertus and Justin Halberda and Anna Wilson and Stan Dehaene.
55 and still counting on fingers everyday to sum how many hours I have left to work to make my 10 hours a day. i hate it. It makes me feel so inadequate. I know I have other gifts of knowledge but math is so important and it’s not a subtle disability in my mind. My daughter has it as well and I am searching for help for her.