Team Leaders
Principal Investigator/Lab Director
Edward Hubbard
My initial training was at the University of California, Berkeley where I studied cognitive science (BA) and the University of California, San Diego where I studied experimental psychology and (MA and PhD). I then held post-doctoral appointments at INSERM Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit with Stanislas Dehaene in France and the Educational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab with Bruce McCandliss (now at Stanford) in Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College. Our research uses functional MRI to explore the neural basis of numerical and mathematical abilities in children.
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Undergraduate Lab Managers
Sophie Schaubel
My name is Sophie Schaubel and I’m a Junior majoring in Neurobiology and Health Promotion & Health Equity with a certificate in Disability Rights and Services. I plan to become a Physician Assistant in the future. This is my third year in the lab, and I’m excited to continue as a lab manager. Outside of the lab, I enjoy working as a CNA, running, traveling, and spending time with friends.

Max Komisar