The Educational Neuroscience Lab is sending a party of three (Liz, Radhika and Zac) to the Cognitive Neuroscience Society meeting in the Big Apple!
We will be presenting three posters on our work, and Radhika will also present as a data blitz talk:
Data Blitz Session 1 (Saturday 2:54 – 3:00 pm) Talk 5: Decoding Grapheme-Color Synesthesia Using Multivariate Pattern Analysis*
Radhika Gosavi, Emma Meyering, Nathan Rose, Bradley Postle & Edward Hubbard
* The Data Blitz talk is also part of the Graduate Student Award (GSA) Radhika received from CNS
B32 (Sunday 8:00-10:00 am) An ALE Meta-analysis of Facial Processing in Autism
Zachary Grulke & Edward Hubbard
D173 (Monday 8:00-10:00 am) Individual Differences in Spatial Representations of Fractions Relate to Formal Math Achievement
Elizabeth Y. Toomarian & Edward M. Hubbard
F151 (Tuesday 8:00-10:00 am) Decoding Grapheme-Color Synesthesia Using Multivariate Pattern Analysis
Radhika Gosavi, Emma Meyering, Nathan Rose, Bradley Postle & Edward Hubbard
Please stop by and check out the latest work from the lab!