Recent Publications

  • Ausderau, K.K., Furlong, M., Sideris, J., Bulluck, J., Little, L.l., Watson, L.R., Boyd, B.A., Belger, A., & Baranek, G.T. (2014). Sensory subtypes in children with autism spectrum disorder: Latent profile transition analysis using a national survey of sensory features. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
  • Baranek, G.T., Little, L.M., Parham, D.L., Ausderau, K., &Sabatos-DeVito, M. (2014). Sensory Features in Autism Spectrum Disorders (Chapter 16). In F. Volkmar, R. Paul, K. Pelphrey, & S. Rogers (Eds.), Handbook of Autism (4th edn). pp. 378–408). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Little, L. M., Sideris, J., Ausderau, K., & Baranek, G. T. (2014). Activity participation among children with autism spectrum disorder.American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68(2), 177-185.
  • Malorie, J.; Bartling, K.; Ehlers, K.; Rego, A.; Rusin, T.; and Ausderau, K. (2014). Let’s go out to eat! Creating a sensory-friendly dining experience for children with autism spectrum disorders and their families. OT Practice, 19(2), 10–14.
  • Ausderau, K., Sideris, J., Furlong, M., Little, L. M., Bulluck, J., & Baranek, G. T. (2014). National survey of sensory features in children with ASD: Factor structure of the sensory experience questionnaire (3.0). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44(4)
  • Patten, E., Auserdau, K., Watson, L., & Baranek, G.T. (2013). Sensory response patterns in nonverbal children with autism. Autism Research and Treatment.
  • Bartling, K., & Auserdau, K. (2013). When it’s okay to play with your food: Providing sensory experiences around mealtimes for children with gastrostomy tubes. OT Practice, 18(12), 12-17.
  • Auserdau, K., & Juarez, M. (2013) The impact of autism spectrum disorder on family mealtimes. ICAN: Infant Child and Adolescent Nutrition. 5(5), 315-323.
  • Martin, G.E., Auserdau, K., Raspa, M., Bishop, E., Mallya, U., & Bailey Jr., D.B. (2012). Therapy Service Use Among Individuals with Fragile X Syndrome: Findings from a U.S. Parent Survey. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities Research.
  • Auserdau, K., & Baranek, G.T. (2012). The Sensory Experiences Questionnaire 3.0. Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Publications.